School Rules
School Rules
Code of Conduct
Students who are Singapore citizens must sing the National Anthem and take the Pledge. Students will take the Pledge with the right fist placed over the heart.
Students must be on time for assembly at 7.30 am every school day.
In our CHIJ Schools, students must obey and respect all staff and prefects. We uphold the basic principle of respecting the dignity of each person we interact with. Everyone in our school community has the responsibility and a role to play in building a safe learning environment where we treat each other with respect and understanding. As such our school will not tolerate any unlawful or disruptive behaviour, including any form of bullying, cyberbullying, intimidation or retaliation.
Students must adhere to school rules when participating in school activities outside of school premises.
Students must take care of school property and keep the school clean. No eating and drinking is allowed outside the canteen except for the consumption of fruit during Fruit Break and water when necessary.
Students are not allowed to sell to or buy any items from their schoolmates except during official school fundraising activities.
Attendance is compulsory on all school days. Students who are absent must submit medical certificates or letters from parent/guardian when they return to school.
Students may not leave the school after arrival without permission from the Principal. Parents/Guardians must sign the “Permission to Leave School” form in the General Office to take their child/ward home before the official dismissal time.
Students are to wear the prescribed school uniform. Modification to the uniform is not allowed.
Students are not allowed to wear any jewellery/accessories or bring any valuables to school. Only dark blue or black hair accessories are allowed.
There should not be any conspicuous display of religious accessories.
School Physical Education attire is to be worn during Physical Education and Co-Curricular Activities only. Sports shoes may only be worn during CCA training and on days when students participate in tournaments.
Students are encouraged to wear the official school cardigan. Alternative jacket/cardigan should be plain and dark blue.
Grooming of Hair
Fringe should be short or neatly pushed back with hair band or hair clips.
Shoulder length hair should be neatly tied up in pony-tails. Hair longer than shoulder length should be plaited.
Hair bands or hair clips should be black or dark blue.
Mobile Phones/Smart Devices
Students are to be responsible and accountable for the proper care and safekeeping of all their personal belongings.
Students are reminded to use all electronic and mobile devices, including access to social media, appropriately and responsibly and with due regard and consideration for others.
Save where it is necessary for communication or educational purposes, students are discouraged from bringing any form of electronic or mobile devices to school, including mobile phones, tablets, laptops, smart watches, digital cameras, personal digital assistants, media players, and/ or game consoles of any sort.
Any electronic or mobile devices that are brought to school must be switched off and stored away during curriculum and CCA time, failing which, the School shall have the right to confiscate them. The use of such devices is restricted to the foyer during dismissal.
Electronic or mobile devices shall not be charged in school using the school’s power sockets, otherwise the School shall have the right to confiscate them.
Items that are confiscated pursuant to these rules may be claimed from (the Operations Manager the following Monday, during the morning or afternoon break). The School reserves the right to further require the student to undertake such restorative action or community service to remediate any breaches of the school rules.
Possession of Weapons
Students are not allowed to have in their possession any weapon.
Students are also not allowed to bring any weapon-like item which is used or intended to be used to cause harm to others
IJ Board’s Anti-Bullying Policy
In our CHIJ Schools, we uphold the basic principle of respecting the dignity of each person we interact with. Everyone in our school community has the responsibility and a role to play in building a safe learning environment where we treat each other with respect and understanding. As such our school will not tolerate any unlawful or disruptive behaviour, including any form of bullying, cyber-bullying, intimidation or retaliation.